SFX of three church bell 打击s with long reverb. 有用的视频项目,电影,视频游戏,预告片,播客和商业广告.请评价,如果你购买.谢谢你!. P.S. 我总是很感兴趣...
销售: 1
心跳悬疑介绍Fx is a terrifying, 强烈的免版税音效包与砰砰的心跳声音项目和令人毛骨悚然的弦强迫恐怖和恐惧进入我们的心!
Space Reverse Swoosh 4 Sound Effect
适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片cartoons, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...
Dark Piano Logo 声音效果
适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片cartoons, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...
Cinematic Mixed Sound Effect
This is the sound of Cinematic Mixed. As an audio for tense moments, 非常适合看电影, 剪辑, 动作序列, YouTube视频, 预告片, 电子游戏等. 
Cinematic Whoosh 32 Sound Effect
Filled with these 1 rising whooshy 影响s, 低音和爆炸, it will work perfectly in your sci-fi 电影, 游戏, 转换, 介绍时, 标志, 鉴别, 预告片, 开证, 标题, 应用程序,...
Cinematic Whoosh 15 Sound Effect
Filled with these 1 rising whooshy 影响s, 低音和爆炸, it will work perfectly in your sci-fi 电影, 游戏, 转换, 介绍时, 标志, 鉴别, 预告片, 开证, 标题, 应用程序,...
Cinematic Whoosh 37 Sound Effect
Filled with these 1 rising whooshy 影响s, 低音和爆炸, it will work perfectly in your sci-fi 电影, 游戏, 转换, 介绍时, 标志, 鉴别, 预告片, 开证, 标题, 应用程序,...
Cinematic Whoosh 43 Sound Effect
Filled with these 1 rising whooshy 影响s, 低音和爆炸, it will work perfectly in your sci-fi 电影, 游戏, 转换, 介绍时, 标志, 鉴别, 预告片, 开证, 标题, 应用程序,...
Cinematic Whoosh 28 Sound Effect
Filled with these 1 rising whooshy 影响s, 低音和爆炸, it will work perfectly in your sci-fi 电影, 游戏, 转换, 介绍时, 标志, 鉴别, 预告片, 开证, 标题, 应用程序,...
Cinematic Whoosh 46 Sound Effect
Filled with these 1 rising whooshy 影响s, 低音和爆炸, it will work perfectly in your sci-fi 电影, 游戏, 转换, 介绍时, 标志, 鉴别, 预告片, 开证, 标题, 应用程序,...
Cinematic Whoosh 47 Sound Effect
Filled with these 1 rising whooshy 影响s, 低音和爆炸, it will work perfectly in your sci-fi 电影, 游戏, 转换, 介绍时, 标志, 鉴别, 预告片, 开证, 标题, 应用程序,...
Cinematic Whoosh 44 Sound Effect
Filled with these 1 rising whooshy 影响s, 低音和爆炸, it will work perfectly in your sci-fi 电影, 游戏, 转换, 介绍时, 标志, 鉴别, 预告片, 开证, 标题, 应用程序,...
Cinematic Whoosh 49 Sound Effect
Filled with these 1 rising whooshy 影响s, 低音和爆炸, it will work perfectly in your sci-fi 电影, 游戏, 转换, 介绍时, 标志, 鉴别, 预告片, 开证, 标题, 应用程序,...
Cinematic Whoosh 01 Sound Effect
Filled with these 1 rising whooshy 影响s, 低音和爆炸, it will work perfectly in your sci-fi 电影, 游戏, 转换, 介绍时, 标志, 鉴别, 预告片, 开证, 标题, 应用程序,...
Cinematic Whoosh 03 Sound Effect
Filled with these 1 rising whooshy 影响s, 低音和爆炸, it will work perfectly in your sci-fi 电影, 游戏, 转换, 介绍时, 标志, 鉴别, 预告片, 开证, 标题, 应用程序,...
Cinematic Whoosh 09 Sound Effect
Filled with these 1 rising whooshy 影响s, 低音和爆炸, it will work perfectly in your sci-fi 电影, 游戏, 转换, 介绍时, 标志, 鉴别, 预告片, 开证, 标题, 应用程序,...
Cinematic Whoosh 56 Sound Effect
Filled with these 1 rising whooshy 影响s, 低音和爆炸, it will work perfectly in your sci-fi 电影, 游戏, 转换, 介绍时, 标志, 鉴别, 预告片, 开证, 标题, 应用程序,...
The Braams 37 声音效果
一个黑暗和非常紧张的版税免费电影特效选择大声扭曲和大的braams, here to add more suspense and fear into your next big project! Filled with 1 aggressive hybrid braams,...
The Braams 39 声音效果
一个黑暗和非常紧张的版税免费电影特效选择大声扭曲和大的braams, here to add more suspense and fear into your next big project! Filled with 1 aggressive hybrid braams,...
The Braams 41 声音效果
一个黑暗和非常紧张的版税免费电影特效选择大声扭曲和大的braams, here to add more suspense and fear into your next big project! Filled with 1 aggressive hybrid braams,...
The Braams 57 声音效果
一个黑暗和非常紧张的版税免费电影特效选择大声扭曲和大的braams, here to add more suspense and fear into your next big project! Filled with 1 aggressive hybrid braams,...
一个黑暗和非常紧张的版税免费电影特效选择大声扭曲和大的braams, here to add more suspense and fear into your next big project! Filled with 1 aggressive hybrid braams,...
The Braams 59 声音效果
一个黑暗和非常紧张的版税免费电影特效选择大声扭曲和大的braams, here to add more suspense and fear into your next big project! Filled with 1 aggressive hybrid braams,...
The Braams 16 声音效果
一个黑暗和非常紧张的版税免费电影特效选择大声扭曲和大的braams, here to add more suspense and fear into your next big project! Filled with 1 aggressive hybrid braams,...
The Braams 17 声音效果
一个黑暗和非常紧张的版税免费电影特效选择大声扭曲和大的braams, here to add more suspense and fear into your next big project! Filled with 1 aggressive hybrid braams,...
一个黑暗和非常紧张的版税免费电影特效选择大声扭曲和大的braams, here to add more suspense and fear into your next big project! Filled with 1 aggressive hybrid braams,...
一个黑暗和非常紧张的版税免费电影特效选择大声扭曲和大的braams, here to add more suspense and fear into your next big project! Filled with 1 aggressive hybrid braams,...
一个黑暗和非常紧张的版税免费电影特效选择大声扭曲和大的braams, here to add more suspense and fear into your next big project! Filled with 1 aggressive hybrid braams,...
一个黑暗和非常紧张的版税免费电影特效选择大声扭曲和大的braams, here to add more suspense and fear into your next big project! Filled with 1 aggressive hybrid braams,...
一个黑暗和非常紧张的版税免费电影特效选择大声扭曲和大的braams, here to add more suspense and fear into your next big project! Filled with 1 aggressive hybrid braams,...
The Braams 29 声音效果
一个黑暗和非常紧张的版税免费电影特效选择大声扭曲和大的braams, here to add more suspense and fear into your next big project! Filled with 1 aggressive hybrid braams,...
The Braams 04 声音效果
一个黑暗和非常紧张的版税免费电影特效选择大声扭曲和大的braams, here to add more suspense and fear into your next big project! Filled with 1 aggressive hybrid braams,...
一个黑暗和非常紧张的版税免费电影特效选择大声扭曲和大的braams, here to add more suspense and fear into your next big project! Filled with 1 aggressive hybrid braams,...
Cinematic Whoosh 36 Sound Effect
Filled with these 1 rising whooshy 影响s, 低音和爆炸, it will work perfectly in your sci-fi 电影, 游戏, 转换, 介绍时, 标志, 鉴别, 预告片, 开证, 标题, 应用程序,...
Cinematic Whoosh 40 Sound Effect
Filled with these 1 rising whooshy 影响s, 低音和爆炸, it will work perfectly in your sci-fi 电影, 游戏, 转换, 介绍时, 标志, 鉴别, 预告片, 开证, 标题, 应用程序,...

New 2024 可怕的 声音效果

需要为你正在制作的万圣节视频或正在开发的恐怖游戏提供恐怖音效? 这里有最好的声音供你下载,无论你在做什么. 您可以在任何商业或个人项目中使用所有这些效果. 您必须同意不出售或分发这些声音效果给第三方. 这是所有. Find the sound effects you need in the list below, 然后点击链接购买并下载您喜欢的示例.

What Are These 可怕的 声音效果?

To better understand what these scary sound effects are, we have prepared a little 介绍ductory information. 此集合中的每个项目都包括可以立即加载到音频编辑器中的现成循环. 根据类型的不同,每个部分包含用于创建特定声音效果的主要文件. In this case, horror sound effect. 因此,每个道具都提供给你一个现成的音效理念,你必须加以完善. It is a good option for beginner video editors. It also helps to save time on creating your sounds. 一般来说,音效通常以几种格式呈现. Here we provide a couple of the most common ones. 它们是WAV和AIFF. 它们是非常普遍的,几乎所有的声音编辑器都支持它们.

Who Can Use 可怕的 声音效果

那些寻找地方下载样本和可怕的声音效果应该关注我们的网站. 它包含各种主题的不同类别的音频文件. This site is one of the best audio sample databases. The project was launched in 2020 and continues to develop. Now the site has hundreds of sounds. 这个库是由声音设计师组成的,他们用麦克风和各种合成样本录制真实的声音. 有一个通过文本字段搜索特定标签的功能,可以对它们进行分组. Sound samples are accompanied by the author’s descriptions, 讲述音频文件是如何创建的,以及它可以用于什么目的. 同时,还会显示音频文件的格式和质量信息. 它还可以收听声音,查看之前下载过这些声音的其他用户的评分和评论. You can download audio files after making a quick purchase.

Distinctive Features Of The 可怕的 声音效果 Collection

这是一个广泛的在线收集恐怖的声音效果和噪音. 我们只提供最好的现成的音频样本进行视频编辑, 表演, 剪辑, 动画, 游戏, 还有其他项目吗?. This section is devoted to mystical and eerie sounds. 在这里,你会发现各种各样的声音气氛,可以准确地描述危急情况. With a convenient tag navigation system, you can immediately recognize the sound you are interested in. You can preview sounds directly from your browser. Just listen online and then buy & download our high-quality sound files.

可怕的 声音效果 Related Videos


可怕的 声音效果 Questions and Answers

How do you make a scary sound?

音效创作者使用各种各样的对象来实现精确的声音. 根据视频的类型,任何东西都可以成为这样的物体. Before you start recording a sound, 你需要回顾你正在创建的视频,并按照它们出现的顺序列出声音效果. 声音构建者应该选择最适合每种声音效果的对象. Here are some proven techniques that have been used for decades. Ways to create scary sound effects:

  • Thin sticks and pins produce excellent whistles.
  • Old armchairs or chairs are ideal for adjustable grinding.
  • A powerful furniture stapler is suitable for simulating gunshots.
  • 翻看厚厚的电话簿可以模拟真实的打拳声音.
  • Twisting and slicing celery works as a sound of breaking bones.
  • Cornstarch inside the leather pouch simulates the creaks of snow.
  • 把椰子切成两半,粘上柔软的材料,就能达到马蹄的效果.
  • 踩到皱巴巴的旧录音带会让你听起来像走在草坪上.
  • 找一个旧车门或烤架来模拟金属物体的碰撞.
  • 挥动一副家用手套,听到鸟翅膀的声音.

How to enrich your content with scary sound effects?

Start by watching a few of your favorite 电影 or documentaries. 你会注意到它们都有一个共同点:用有趣的声音来讲述故事. 音效是塑造视频世界的元素. Without sophisticated sound effects, your video may appear flat. Many successful authors use sound effects in a variety of ways. Remember that sound often makes half of the final result, so it’s worth getting creative and using different sound effects. Sound effects on this site cost very little, 因此,如果你的资源有限,你可以将它们视为内容的廉价扩展.

How to determine what scary sound effects are needed?

声音设计从计划开始,通常从剧本创作阶段开始. 当你回顾你的视频脚本时,考虑如何使用声音效果来更好地讲述你的故事. 当你知道你想要得到什么结果时,想想你从哪里得到声音. There are many ways to get them. 我们的网站提供了一个完整的声音库,这是一个很好的起点. 一些提供音效的网站会向你收取特定声音文件的费用. As you 搜索 the database, formulate a particular request. 例如, 如果你在寻找可怕的脚步声,而你找不到, try broadening your 搜索 with some other words. Try to describe what specific effect you want to get.


尝试在你的视频中添加音效,并确保你得到你想要的结果. 同时, 试着设身处地为观众着想,他们将是第一次看到你的视频. 做到以下几点:

  • 看看你的视频内容,考虑一下你可以添加什么音效. Add some sound effects to your video and view it again. Check out the audience’s reactions to the updated material.
  • 在网上找到你喜欢的声音效果,并把它们放到你的视频中. 播放视频并询问观众这些声音是否创造了理想的声音效果.
  • 录下你的音效. Record anything that may come in handy in future 视频. 让你的订阅者提交他们最喜欢的音频文件,并尝试在你的内容中使用它们.